User Basics

How to create and process a manual Work Item?


Besides the automatically created Work Items that are created by the system when loading information and allocating work from other Dr. Berg websites and processes, the CRM users can also create a Work Item manually. Available Work Item Types for this can be configured in Manage Work Item Types page. Work Item Types manually added from this page will have Category as "Manually Created". Preset Work Item Types for this include "Support Ticket" and "Product Info Query".

These Work Items are usually created when there is specific request or certain issue from the Contact that requires the Rep to keep track of or to follow-up. A Work Item should be created in such case so that all related interactions between the Rep and Contact associated with the issue can be gathered in one place for tracking and reference.



Following information and functions are available in the Reference tab of a manually created Work Item:

  1. Work Item Type explanation: this is the description for the purpose of the Work Item Type which is specified by the Admin in Manage Work Item Types page

  2. Work Item Note: Since this Work Item is manually created, no data from other systems or processes is available, but there is a text area that allows the Rep to quickly put in some notes or reminders regarding the Work Item

    1. This field is resizable by clicking and dragging the icon in the bottom right corner of the text area

    2. The text entered in the box will be automatically saved and can be quickly edited

  3. FAQ Request:

    1. There is question from Contact that is not directly submitted as FAQ Request from Main Website but through some email/ SMS/ Voice correspondence with the Consultant in other Work Item (Support Ticket, Product Info Query or other manually created Work Item Types).  
      In this case, the Consultant working on the Work Item can submit an FAQ Request to Admin if they find the question is frequently asked/ popular enough for an KB&R entry. 

    2. This function is applied for the purpose of enriching the KB&R materials for better tracking the general interests of the Contacts in order to build better and more effective correspondence between CRM Reps and Contacts.

    3. Process:

      1. Click the FAQ Request button to open the pop-up where Rep can enter the question and proposed answer

      2. Once the request is submitted, related information will then show in the Work Item Reference (similar to FAQ Request Work Items)

      3. FAQ Request submitted by the CRM Rep would appear in Manage KB&R page with Requested By = Rep Name with links to the CRM Contact record and the Work Item for Admin to better identify this case.

Proposed Process

  1. There are several places for the Rep to create a manual Work Item:

    1. From WORK ITEM tab in Contact Detail page: click following icon to open the Create pop-up

    2. From a Contact interaction in INBOX:

    3. From the CALLSLAT when there is incoming/outgoing Contact call:

  2. Newly created Work Item would be in Status of NEW

  3. The next process for this Work Item Type would be similar to the general suggested process in What are Work Items and how do you use them?

NOTE: this is just a proposed flow to process the manually created Work Item, depending on the specific situation, the Rep can alter/ adjust this process to suit the practical working case.

Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 02:19 AM