User Basics

How to do a Fraud Review

We suspect that we are getting a lot of false positives on the fraud detections from BlueSnap. Therefore, we are starting to put these orders on hold, while we review the merits of the fraud warnings. If we feel it is actually a good customer that was mistakenly tagged as fraud, we will contact that customer and get the order put through.

This article will cover two areas:

  1. How to use the CRM for managing the Fraud Review Work Items, and

  2. How to use Magento to do further research on the customer and how to place an order through Magento.

How to use the CRM for managing the Fraud Review Work Item

Communication Tools

  • Use the CRM for all communications with customers (email, phone and text).

  • Use your email account to communicate with BlueSnap.

  • Use Microsoft Teams to collaborate with internal team members (or the internal chat feature in CRM if you find the individual online).

We will use Teams to collaborate internally on the Fraud Review Work Items. Use the Sales Team Channel for communicating and make sure you use "@" to tag the individuals you want to collaborate with. This will ensure they are notified that you are chatting with them.

In addition to using Teams for chatting, we will also use the Files tab for sharing files. The main file we will be sharing is the Fraud Review spreadsheet that lists the fraud reviews that we are working on.

Fraud Review Steps

  1. Search for email address in CRM.

  2. Update "In CRM?" field in spreadsheet.

  3. If not in CRM, go to the next email address, otherwise continue with the following steps.

  4. Create Fraud Review WI if email in CRM.

    1. Select "Fraud Review" Work Item Type.

    2. Enter "BlueSnap on [transaction date from spreadsheet]"

    3. Assign the work item to yourself.

  5. Copy Fraud Review URL form CRM to spreadsheet.

  6. Reassign Abandoned Shopping Cart to yourself, so other Reps do not call it during Fraud Review.

  7. Research, send email to BlueSnap and send email to customer, as needed to resolve.

    1. Resolve/Close Fraud Review WI and Abandoned Cart WI.

Video training on the above process steps

How to use Magento for research and placing an order

[Roxana will add the training for this part]

Last updated: Jun 29, 2024 02:04 AM