User Basics

How to process a FAQ Request Work Item?


When a person "asks question” through, an FAQ request will be added to the Dr Berg Main Website, waiting for processing (whether this is a valid question for FAQ section, so answer can be provided, and the question-answer will be added as an official FAQ in the Main Website for user's reference) 

The CRM will load these records into the application as FAQ Request Work Items (Work Item Type = FAQ Request) and assign to the corresponding Contact. As general, if the request's contact info does not match any CRM Contact, the FAQ Request will be added in the New Leads section. 

Each FAQ Request Work Item will be processed by the assigned Consultant to give direct answer/ feedback to the enquirer, while the FAQ request itself will be added to a list in Manage Knowledge Base and Resources for Admin to review and decide whether to link the request to a Q&A Knowledge Base & Resources Item or not.

NOTE: Since 03/14/2022, the [Ask Question] function in Main Website is disabled, no further FAQ Request WI will be loaded into the CRM anymore.


Reference tab of FAQ Request Work Item will provide information regarding the contact who submits the request and the question asked. Besides, there is Related Knowledge Base & Resource information for Rep to take as reference to answer the contact. This KB&R additional information would be processed by the Admin as whether or not to link the submitted FAQ with a Q&A KB&R item, which provides answer to such question while the question itself would serve as an alias for the main question addressed in the KB&R item.

  1. If the FAQ Request is still waiting for Admin to process, the Work Item Reference will show 

  2.  If the request is rejected by the Admin, then this is showing

  3. If the request is linked to a KB&R item, following view will be available

    Note: Click on the KB&R link will open detailed view of that item in new browser tab

Proposed Process

  1. The FAQ Request Work Items are created in the CRM through a scheduled process, which runs daily (at 06:20 UTC) to check the Dr Berg main Website to load a maximum of 50 records at a time. These Work Items will then be assigned to the Dr. Berg Advisors (round robin logic to distribute the Work Items to the Consultants as evenly as possible).

  2. When just created, the Work Item will be in Status of NEW, the Consultant changes this to IN PROGRESS when start working on the Work Item (this can be combined to the next step) 

  1. The Consultant can review the question and send answer to the Contact by Email or SMS if he/she has the answer. 

    1. The Consultant can search for answer using Knowledge Base pop-up, OR 

    2. The Consultant can wait for Admin to process the request to get the linked KB&R that can be used to provide answer for the Contact. 
      Note: this is not necessary, as soon as the Consultant has answer for the request, they should provide it to the contact then.

  1. Change the Status to PENDING as waiting for reply from Contact to see if they satisfy with the answer or not. 

  2. If there is product purchase request and Order is created for this, the Consultant can change the Work Item Status to SOLD, indicating the result of such Work Item. 

  3. If the Contact replies saying the answer is good OR there is no reply/ feedback from Contact for a long time, the Consultant can change the Work Item Status to CLOSED, indicating no more work is needed or can be done for the Work Item.

Last updated: Oct 15, 2024 17:44 PM