User Basics

How to process a Health Evaluation Quiz Work Item?


When a person takes the evaluation quiz (aka health quiz) in, there will be quiz record added to Dr. Berg Main Website. The CRM will load these records into the application as Health Evaluation Quiz Work Items (Work Item Type = Health Evaluation Quiz, Work Item Category = Quiz Result Consultations) and assign to the Dr. Berg Advisors so that they can follow up with the person on their quiz results and for further health consultation. 



Following information is available in Reference tab of Health Evaluation Quiz Work Item:

  1. General info: Email address and the Date Time the Contact takes the Quiz. Click on the email would open send email view in Work Item's Action tab, default recipient to be that email address for quickly generate a reply to the contact.

  2. User details: related contact details provided by the quiz taker when submitting the quiz.

  3. Ratings: quiz taker's rating data in different health aspects

  4. Disclaimer: to remind the Rep of the purpose and usage of the quiz results

  5. Quiz Data: including  

    1. Symptoms (list of symptoms selected by the quiz taker)

    2. Explanation (for that symptom)

    3. Cause: suggested reason for having such symptom

    4. Recommendation: the product recommended to use with link to the shop page of such product so the Rep can check on more detailed information regarding the product

Proposed Process

  1. The Health Evaluation Quiz Work Items are created in the CRM through a scheduled process, which runs every hour to check the Dr Berg main Website to load a maximum of 50 quiz records at a time. These Work Items will then be assigned to the Dr. Berg Advisors (round robin logic to distribute the Work Items to the Consultants as evenly as possible).

  2. The Consultant will then find the notification for this in their Inbox. If the Quiz's user info matches a CRM Contact, then the Work Item will be added to such Contact. Otherwise, the system will use available Contact information from the Work Item to create the Contact, assign to a Rep (round robin logic) and add the Work Item to such Contact. In both cases, the Work Item would then appear in Inbox/Unread section.

  3. Newly created Work Item will be in NEW Status. The Consultant can review the Quiz reference information in WORK ITEM tab of the related Contact's Detail page.

  4. The Consultant can change Work Item Status to IN PROGRESS when start working on the Work Item (sending follow-up email/ call, etc.) 

  5. The Consultant can change the Status to PENDING if expecting reply from the Contact.

  6. If the Contact is pleased with the consultation and does not have further request, the Consultant can update the Status to RESOLVED.  

  1. If there is product purchase request, the Consultant can change the Status to SELLING for following up with this request. As Order is created for this, the Consultant can change the Work Item Status to SOLD, indicating the result of such Work Item. 

  1. If there is no reply/ feedback from Contact for a long time, the Consultant can change the Work Item Status to CLOSED then (assuming the contact has no interest in the quiz result or further consultation) .

NOTE: this is just a proposed flow to process the Health Evaluation Quiz Work Item, depending on the specific situation, the Rep can alter/ adjust this process to suit the practical working case.

Last updated: Aug 28, 2024 22:32 PM