User Basics
[OLD] How to process an Abandoned Shopping Cart Work Item?
In Dr. Berg Shop site, the customer might add products to their shopping cart then leave them there for various reasons. The CRM is programmed to run a scheduled process to scan through the Shop site to check for the abandoned carts of offline customers and create the corresponding Work Items named "Abandoned Shopping Cart" , which are then assigned to correct Reps for figuring out the reason and helping customer processing the cart, thus, increasing the sales productivity.
Following information is available in the Reference tab of Abandoned Shopping Cart Work Item:
Shopping Account Id: the Id of the Shop site Customer account that the cart belongs to
Since a CRM contact can have multiple email addresses which are linked to different Shop site accounts, this information is provided to better identify the cartTotal number of products in the cart: this counts the number of items in the cart regardless of product types
Cart created date and last updated date
Detailed products information: including
Product preview image and name with hyperlink to open the view of that product in the Shop Site
SKU, Price, Quality in the cart and Subtotal amount
Cart's total value
Functional buttons:
Sync button: this is showing the latest date time when the cart info is loaded from Shop site, the Rep can click this button to trigger another information synchronization.
Manage Cart in Magento: to open the Abandoned Cart view in Shop site - Admin access for further processing in this site
Note: in case the Work Item has been closed (set to inactive Status of Closed/ Resolved or Sold), the reference will show following information: Date time, when the cart was last updated, Linked Magento Order (if any) and the specified reason for closing the Work Item.
Proposed Process
The CRM will run the scheduled process every 30 minutes to load a maximum of 50 records at a time. This will check the Cart's Updated Date in the Shop site to decide which carts to import and to have Work Items created for.
If the cart's related customer information matches a CRM Contact then the Work Item will be added to such Contact and appear in the Inbox/ Unread of assigned Rep.
If there is no matching CRM Contact found, the CRM will create new Contact record, using Shop SIte customer account information and add the Work Item to such Contact, which then also appear in the assigned Rep's Inbox/ Unread.
Newly created Work Item will be in NEW Status.
The Rep can change Work Item Status to IN PROGRESS when start working on the Work Item (sending follow-up email/ call, etc.)
The Rep can change the Status to PENDING if expecting reply from the Contact.
If the Contact is following Rep’s consultation on processing the Cart, the Rep can change the Status to SELLING for following up with this. As Order is created for the cart, the Rep can change the Work Item Status to SOLD, indicating the result of such Work Item.
If there is no reply/ feedback from Contact for a long time, the Consultant can change the Work Item Status to CLOSED then (assuming the contact has no interest in completing the cart).
NOTE: this is just a proposed flow to process the Abandoned Shopping Cart Work Item, depending on the specific situation, the Rep can alter/ adjust this process to suit the practical working case.
Last updated: May 19, 2023 14:58 PM