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Understanding the Coimbra Protocol and Vitamin D Resistance

The Coimbra Protocol is a treatment that uses high doses of vitamin D to address certain autoimmune diseases. Here's how it relates to your body's use of vitamin D and calcium:

  • Vitamin D and Calcium: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in helping your body absorb calcium from food. In turn, calcium is essential for strong bones and overall health.

  • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH): This hormone, produced by the parathyroid gland, regulates calcium levels in your blood. If you're low on calcium or have insufficient vitamin D, the parathyroid gland produces more PTH to extract calcium from bones for your body to use.

  • Vitamin D Resistance: Sometimes, the body doesn't effectively use vitamin D, even if blood levels are normal. This is called vitamin D resistance, and high PTH levels (alongside low vitamin D) can be a sign of this condition.

How the Coimbra Protocol Works

The Coimbra Protocol addresses potential vitamin D resistance by:

  1. Monitoring PTH Levels: Doctors track PTH to see how your body is responding to vitamin D.

  2. Increasing Vitamin D Intake: Vitamin D doses are gradually increased until PTH levels decrease, indicating improved vitamin D utilization.

Causes of Vitamin D Resistance

  • Vitamin D Receptor Issues: Problems with the body's vitamin D receptors can hinder absorption.

  • Genetics: Certain genetic variations (polymorphisms) can increase the risk of resistance.

  • Other Factors: Limited sun exposure, darker skin, old age, stress, location, and air pollution can all contribute.

  • Pathogens and Toxins: Some pathogens from tick bites, cancer cells, and heavy metals can significantly reduce the effectiveness of vitamin D receptors.

Important Note: While magnesium and zinc can help manage calcium levels, vitamin K2 is considered essential for directing calcium to the right places (like bones) and preventing it from building up where it shouldn't.

Last updated: Jun 20, 2024 14:34 PM