Keto Food Questions

Can I consume agave nectar on keto?

No. Agave nectar is 90% fructose and 10% glucose. It’s not recommended.

Fructose is metabolized very differently in the body compared to glucose. Concentrated fructose puts tremendous stress on the liver because the liver is the only part of the body that can deal with fructose. Where the liver is concerned, metabolizing fructose is almost identical to consuming alcohol.

Fructose can potentially lead to:

  • A fatty liver

  • Insulin resistance

  • Bad cholesterol (high LDL)

  • High uric acid (gout)

When you consume fruit, the fiber and nutrients in the fruit help buffer the fructose. This means fruit doesn’t have near the effect that concentrated fructose (like agave nectar) has on the liver.

The main problem with fruit is that it can potentially slow down weight loss.

Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 22:53 PM