Weight Loss

Can too much protein make you fat?

The hormone insulin has several functions. It converts what you eat to fat, and it prevents the release of fat from your body. Excessive amounts of protein will trigger insulin. But many people eat large amounts of protein without getting fat. Here’s why: protein triggers another hormone called glucagon, which is produced by alpha cells in your pancreas. Insulin is also produced in your pancreas, but by beta cells.

Glucagon helps you burn fat. If you eat a lot of protein, you trigger both of these hormones. You may not gain weight, but you might not lose it either because insulin prevents the fat-burning effect. It depends on what else you’re eating with the protein. If you’re eating carbohydrates, you’ll gain weight. It also depends on how often you’re consuming protein. If you’re doing intermittent fasting, eating just one meal a day, you may still lose weight. But if you’re eating three meals per day with too much protein, you’ll have a hard time losing weight.

Carbohydrates trigger insulin, which is why overall it’s carbs instead of protein that causes weight gain. The big problem with eating too much protein over time is that you’ll overload your stomach, because you need a certain amount of hydrochloric acid to break down the protein. You may get putrefaction, body odor, or feel tired after eating. You could also overload your kidneys and liver because of too much nitrogen byproduct in your body, leading to a build-up of uric acid and even gout. How to check if you’re eating too much protein: you feel tired after you eat. Your urine is foamy. You may even get constipation. These are some points to consider if you wonder whether you’re eating too much protein.

I typically recommend three to six ounces of protein per meal, but some people need more depending on their fitness level, metabolism, and ability to digest protein. Be sure to check to see if you’re eating too much protein, which can be detrimental to your health.

Last updated: Aug 29, 2024 17:45 PM