Keto Diet Facts & Tips

Can you build muscle on keto?

Yes, you can grow muscles while doing keto and intermittent fasting, but exercise is essential. The most important factor for muscle growth is exercise intensity.

When fully adapted to ketosis, intermittent fasting increases human growth hormone, which promotes muscle growth and prevents muscle loss. However, frequent eating and blood sugar issues can hinder amino acid absorption and cause muscle atrophy.

A good plan for muscle growth on keto includes:

- 2 meals a day

- 50g of carbs per day

- 7 to 8 oz of protein per meal

- Plenty of sleep

Dorian Yates, a 6-time Mr. Olympia winner, provides powerful insights on muscle growth:

- Start with 2 warm-up sets with light weights

- Perform 1 extremely difficult set of 6 to 8 reps, with assistance for a few more reps

- Work the negative phase to failure

- Avoid creating momentum; focus on controlled, isolated movements with pauses

- Allow full recovery, working each muscle once per week with 3 to 5 different exercises

- Exercise 1 hour per day, 4 times per week, with cardio on off days for recovery

To follow this plan, start gradually and consider a personal trainer. Combine this with keto, intermittent fasting, low stress, and good sleep for muscle hypertrophy. Remember, full recovery is key, requiring intense workouts and complete rest for muscle growth.

Last updated: Aug 14, 2024 23:54 PM