Keto Diet Facts & Tips

Does brain need to adapt to ketosis too?

The brain has the capacity to run on ketones immediately. It even prefers ketones as its fuel source. 

• 1/3 of the brain will always run on glucose, but 2/3 of the brain runs on ketones. 

• 23% of all the energy that is generated is used by the brain. 

Sources of ketones:

1. Endogenous ketones – Meaning the body can make them if you lower your carbohydrates.

2. Exogenous ketones – Meaning ketones outside of the body like ketone salts and MCT oil. 

Your blood ketone level is what determines how many ketones are in the brain—this level should be high. Your blood ketone level is determined by your insulin and glucose levels. Your insulin levels should be on the low side of the normal range, and your glucose levels need to be low. 

The more ketones you have in the blood, the better and faster the brain will be able to use them. The brain does not need time to keto adapt. Still, you can assist this process and prevent brain fog or keto fatigue by taking ketones or MCT oil. 

Another situation where it would be a good idea to start taking exogenous ketones is if you need to improve brain function or improve memory. For example, in cases where you have memory problems or even Alzheimer’s. 

Parts of the brain that use ketones:

1. Cerebral Cortex 

2. Hypothalamus 

3. Pituitary Gland 

4. Pineal Gland

Last updated: May 27, 2024 20:20 PM