Glucosamine Chondroitin Advanced Joint Support

What are the tendons structures & components?

Joints are the structures in the body where two or more bones meet and allow for movement. The main components of a joint include: 

  1. Articular Cartilage: This is a smooth, slippery tissue covering the ends of bones in a joint. It helps reduce friction and absorb shock during movement. 

  1. Synovial Membrane: This is a thin tissue lining surrounding the joint. It produces synovial fluid. 

  1. Synovial Fluid: This fluid is produced by the synovial membrane and fills the joint space. It provides lubrication for smooth movement and supplies nutrients to the cartilage. 

  1. Joint Capsule: This is a rigid, fibrous structure that surrounds the joint and helps hold it together. It also contains the synovial membrane and synovial fluid. 

  1. Ligaments: Ligaments are strong bands of connective tissue that connect bones and provide stability to the joint. 

  1. Tendons: Tendons are tough bands of connective tissue that connect muscles to bones. They help move the bones across the joint when the muscles contract. 

  1. Bursae: These are small, fluid-filled sacs located around joints. They help reduce friction between tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and bones. 

  1. Meniscus (in some joints): This is a wedge-shaped cartilage found in certain joints, such as the knee. It helps cushion and stabilize the joint and distribute weight evenly across the joint surface. 

These components work together to allow smooth and stable joint movement while also supporting and protecting the bones and surrounding tissues. 


A diagram of a knee joint

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Last updated: Aug 20, 2024 14:17 PM