Natural Remedies

How can I effectively get rid of parasites?

Effective Parasite Elimination: Dietary Adjustments, Lifestyle Changes, and Herbal Remedies

Dietary Adjustments and Lifestyle Changes

1. Keto and Intermittent Fasting: Adopting a ketogenic diet and practicing intermittent fasting can reduce sugar levels, inhibiting parasite growth. During a parasite cleanse, eliminate sugar, dairy, and grains, as these support parasite proliferation.

2. Healthy Diet: Avoid processed foods and excess sugar to maintain a healthy digestive tract, making it less hospitable to parasites.

Recommended Herbs

1. Wormwood: Known for its antiparasitic properties, wormwood weakens parasite membranes with sesquiterpene lactones and boosts the immune system. Use in tablet or capsule form to avoid liver issues.

2. Black Walnut Hulls: Effective against parasites, black walnut hull tincture is a potent home remedy for parasite infections.

3. Garlic: A powerful remedy, garlic kills parasites and improves overall health.

4. Clove: Creates an unfriendly environment for parasites, promoting their elimination.

Home Remedies

1. Pumpkin Seeds: Known for their antiparasitic properties.

2. Papaya Seeds: Contain compounds aiding parasite removal.

3. Coffee Enemas: Suggested to cleanse the colon and eliminate parasites.

4. Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth: Believed to kill parasites by dehydration.

5. Coconut: Both meat and oil help eliminate certain parasites.

Additional Recommendations

- Purified Bile Salts: Aid in creating an inhospitable digestive environment for parasites.


- Start Slowly: Gradually increase the dosage of these herbs. A cleanse should last at least one month, with maintenance cleanses every six months.


- Healthcare Professional: Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen, especially if you suspect a parasitic infection.

By combining these dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and specific herbs, you can effectively combat parasites and maintain optimal health.

Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 18:22 PM