Natural Remedies

What is the remedy for the liver cirrhosis caused by Hepatitis C?

When you have hepatitis C or some other virus attacking the liver, this may cause high amounts of iron in the body. The iron is inflammatory and creates oxidative damage. Normally your liver gets rid of excess iron in the body. However if your liver is infected, for example with hepatitis C, it will not be able to remove this iron, which will cause further damage. One thing to know is that viruses and bacteria grow by consuming iron. This situation can eventually turn into cirrhosis of the liver.


  • Consume lactoferrin

  • Do an intermittent fasting plan

  • Do periodic prolonged fasting

  • Consume vitamin D (at least 20,000 IU / day)

  • Consume natural antibiotics

    • garlic

    • clove

    • thyme

    • oregano oil

    • grapefruit seed extract

*We recommend consulting with your doctor before making any dietary changes or before you start taking any new supplements, especially if you have any existing health conditions.

Last updated: Sep 06, 2024 16:02 PM