Natural Remedies

How long does magnesium usually stay in the body?

Certain minerals go through the body quickly, while other minerals don’t.

For example, minerals like sodium, iron, and calcium tend to be retained in the body. But, magnesium, potassium, and zinc are not held in the body for very long.

What determines the retention or recycling is how healthy the kidneys are. If your kidneys are very healthy, you may only lose a very small amount. But, if your kidneys are unhealthy, you could lose a lot more. There is a huge gap when it comes to how much magnesium your body will hold versus excrete.

The kidneys have the ability to get rid of excess magnesium, so it’s rarely toxic to the body. But, the body will get rid of .5-70% of magnesium within a 24 hour period. It’s very important to get plenty of magnesium.

The average American only consumes 200-300mg of magnesium per day. I believe a person should consume more like 500-600mg per day. Certain diseases, like diabetes, can cause the need for magnesium to go way up. This is because you likely aren’t retaining magnesium if you have blood sugar problems. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also severely decrease the ability to hold magnesium.

The number one symptom of a magnesium deficiency is fatigue. This is because the mitochondria (the energy factories of your cells) need magnesium to create the energy currency of the body. Palpitations and muscle weakness are a few more symptoms. If you crave chocolate, you may have a magnesium deficiency.

Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 14:27 PM