Natural Remedies

How can you alleviate a sore throat quickly, ideally within two minutes?

This sore throat remedy will help you get relief by simply pressing on certain points on the back of your neck. This will help increase nerve flow, circulation, and even lymph drainage. The key is pressing on the exact opposite part of your neck where you're feeling the pain.

STEP 1 Rate your pain on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 being no pain, 10 being the worst)

STEP 2 Draw an imaginary circle from the sore throat to the back part of your neck.

STEP 3 Press equally on the exact opposite points on the back part of your neck. Do this for 2 minutes. To ensure you are on the correct points, you will feel a very tight and stiff area while you're doing this. The right points will also be very tender.   

STEP 4 Re-rate the pain of your sore throat.

Last updated: Jan 16, 2025 23:08 PM