Natural Remedies

How can I fix rhomboid pain easily?

Rhomboid pain often stems from issues in the diaphragm area, with referred pain from organs like the gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver. This can affect both sides, with the pancreas contributing to left-side pain. Dietary adjustments are crucial:

Top Foods Irritating Liver, Gallbladder, and Bile Ducts:

- Grains

- Sugars

- Omega-6 oils

- Nut butters

- Alcohol

- Junk and processed foods

Healthy Dietary Practices:

- Opt for high-quality protein, fats, and vegetables.

- Consider intermittent fasting to ease digestive strain.

Natural Remedies for Liver, Gallbladder, and Bile Duct Support:


2. Bile salts

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 19:53 PM