Natural Remedies

Is it possible to get rid of cellulite on hips, thighs and buttocks?

 With cellulite, the collagen bands are partially or entirely dissolved.

Overall, cellulite is not a fat disorder—it’s a collagen disorder caused by excess estrogen. Two main things are going on:

1. Excess estrogen that destroys collagen fibers and elastin.

2. Excess aromatase that destroys the fibroblasts that make collagen under the skin. 

How to get rid of cellulite:

1. Fix the atrophy problem 

• Do lunges 

• Do squats 

• Start retro walking 

• Try sprinting

2. Fix the circulation problem 

• Do rebound exercises 

• Do red light therapy 

• Use a dry brush on your skin 

• Get a massage on the area regularly 

3. Fix the collagen problem

• Do intermittent and prolonged fasting 

• Use an aromatase inhibitor cream (massage onto the area before bed) 

Last updated: Sep 04, 2024 15:07 PM