Symptoms, conditions and causes

How to lose more weight if I'm diabetic Type 2?

Type 2 diabetes involves high blood glucose triggering insulin release, promoting fat storage. To lower insulin and enhance weight loss:

1. Limit carbs to under 20g/day.

2. Take apple cider vinegar for insulin resistance (2 tbsp in water, 1-2x/day).

3. Opt for moderate, not lean, protein.

4. Supplement with chromium, zinc, and vitamin B1 (nutritional yeast).

5. Increase sun exposure for vitamin D.

6. Ensure at least 8 hours of sleep nightly.

7. Practice intermittent fasting and eat only when hungry.

8. Engage in HIIT to boost growth hormone.

9. Manage stress and consider acupressure techniques.

10. Boost fiber intake with vegetables to aid gut health and insulin sensitivity, aiming for ketosis to regulate insulin levels.

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024 15:49 PM