Different Foods Questions and Facts

How to store vegetables correctly?

Maximizing Vegetable Nutrition Through Proper Storage

Are you getting the most nutritional benefits from the veggies you eat? Believe it or not, how you stash your veggies can affect how many nutrients they pack.

So, let's dive into some handy tips that'll help you keep those veggies as nutritious as the day you brought them home.

The Benefits of Freezing Over Refrigeration

When it comes to long-term storage, freezing is superior to refrigeration. Freezing vegetables retains more nutrients than in the fridge for over a week.

The cold temperatures of the freezer slow down the degradation of vitamins and minerals, ensuring your veggies maintain their nutritional value for longer.

Frozen veggies are also more convenient since they're already cleaned and diced, which means you're more likely to eat them. They're usually cheaper than fresh vegetables, especially if you stock up during a sale.

Enhancing Shelf Life with Simple Tricks

If you prefer to store your veggies in the fridge, spraying them with water is a simple trick to extend their freshness. By doing this, you're keeping the humidity just right, which means your veggies won't dry out or lose their valuable nutrients.

Another way to maximize the shelf life of your refrigerated veggies is to store them in airtight containers or plastic bags.

This reduces exposure to air and slows down the rate of nutrient loss. Remember, refrigeration helps increase the longevity of vegetables, so they stay fresh and nutritious for longer.

cruciferous vegetables

Last updated: Apr 29, 2024 15:15 PM