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I have an iodine deficiency, but at times it’s too much when measured—why does this happen?

When evaluating iodine levels, blood tests may not offer a comprehensive assessment as iodine is primarily stored in the thyroid gland, not freely circulating in the bloodstream. A more precise method involves a skin test using a 2% iodine solution, available at pharmacies:

- Apply a small amount of iodine solution to the skin on your arm or thigh.

- Cover with a band-aid and leave for 24 hours.

- Check the color of the iodine spot after 24 hours. Fading or disappearance suggests potential iodine deficiency, indicating absorption by the body. Unchanged color suggests sufficient iodine levels.

This method provides a direct evaluation of iodine absorption, offering a clearer indication of iodine status compared to blood tests alone. Consulting a healthcare provider is advisable for interpretation and guidance based on test results.

Last updated: Jun 28, 2024 15:58 PM