Trouble with Keto?

What should I do if I'm losing too much weight on keto?

To stop losing weight on a ketogenic diet, consider these strategies:

1. Increase Dietary Fat: Use MCT oil to boost fat intake.

2. Increase Carbohydrates: Aim for a maximum of 50 grams of carbs per day.

3. Enhance Exercise: Incorporate regular workouts to prevent muscle loss and allow for recovery.

Make sure to consume plenty of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and amino acids to avoid nutrient deficiencies. If weight loss persists, increase your meal frequency from one to two meals a day.


- Most grains and fruits (except raspberries and blackberries).

Acceptable Carbs:

- Carrots.


- Strength Training: Focus on low-rep, high-weight exercises.

- Add Healthy Fats: Use MCT oil or butter in meals.

- Try Teeccino: A naturally decaffeinated herbal coffee.

- Make Keto Bombs: Fat-based snacks to increase calories.

- Incorporate Nuts and Nut Butters: Such as almond and peanut butter.

These strategies can help stabilize your weight while maintaining a ketogenic lifestyle.

Last updated: Oct 31, 2024 01:21 AM