Natural Remedies

I'm taking minerals for arthritis. Is there anything else that I'm missing?

The Role of Boron in Arthritis Management

Boron is a crucial trace mineral that supports the effectiveness of calcium and magnesium in arthritis treatment. It helps retain these minerals in the bone, activates vitamin D, and reduces joint inflammation by lowering C-reactive protein levels. Boron deficiency may lead to excess calcium and magnesium in the urine, calcification of soft tissues, and weakened bones.

Benefits of boron include:

- Enhancing mineral retention in bones

- Activating vitamin D

- Preventing tooth decay

A lack of boron can also cause receding gums, kidney stones, and calcification in arteries and joints. Additionally, adequate boron levels support hormonal balance and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

For arthritis relief, starting with 3 mg of boron three times daily may be beneficial. Consult with a healthcare provider to tailor this approach to your needs.

Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 15:13 PM