Natural Remedies

Is alkaline water beneficial?

Normally, bottled water, artisan water, and well water are alkaline. The reason why they’re alkaline is that they contain alkaline minerals. These minerals, as well as bicarbonates (a type of electrolyte that plays a role in balancing the pH levels), make the water alkaline.

But when a machine makes the water alkaline, it doesn’t do it by adding minerals. Instead, it splits the water molecules with electricity to artificially make alkaline water.

In Dr. Berg’s practice, he noticed that many people who used artificial alkaline water had a pH of 9 in the urine, which is very alkaline. The problem with having very alkaline urine is that you don’t have any protection against harmful microbes.

When you consume artificial alkaline water, it can neutralize the different acidic fluids in the body, which can create problems with digestion and urine. It can also affect the absorption of electrolytes. If you throw off the electrolytes, that could potentially create a problem with the heart.

Last updated: Sep 06, 2024 15:20 PM