Symptoms, conditions and causes

Is it ok to take testosterone?

When considering testosterone supplementation, it's crucial to understand potential side effects, including worsened sleep apnea, mood swings, acne, and increased cardiovascular risk. Other effects may include reduced fertility, blood thickening, testicular atrophy, and erectile dysfunction.

Before starting testosterone supplements, identifying the underlying causes of low testosterone is essential. Factors such as aging, insulin resistance, low zinc or protein intake, a low-fat diet, statin use, high soy consumption, and deficiencies in vitamins A or D should be addressed.

Boosting testosterone naturally involves strategies like weight training, increasing zinc and vitamin D intake, prioritizing healthy fats over carbohydrates, using DHEA supplements, improving REM sleep, managing weight through a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, and ensuring adequate protein intake. These methods support natural hormone production and overall health without the potential risks associated with exogenous testosterone.

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024 15:36 PM