Keto Recipes

Ketogenic Hush Puppies Recipe

A lot of people on the ketogenic diet have this idea that you have to give up a lot of your favorite foods. But, what they may not know is that a lot of your favorite foods cab become keto-friendly foods with just a few adjustments—this the case for these delicious ketogenic hush puppies. 

For this recipe, I salted the tops of the hush puppies at the very end with sea salt to give them a little something extra. But, salt is actually very important for your health. This can be a great salty alternative to chips and other unhealthy salty foods. If you’re on keto, it’s important to consume 1 tsp. of sea salt per day. If you don’t, you will have more cravings for chips and those other unhealthy salty foods. Always use sea salt. 

Ketogenic Hush Puppies Recipe:


  • 1 cup Almond Flour 

  • 1 Tbsp. Baking Powder 

  • 1/2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder 

  • 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese 

  • 1 Large Egg 

  • 1/2 cup Half and Half 

  • 8-10 Drops Stevia 

  • 4 Scallions 

  • Pinch of Sea Salt 

  • 2 Cups of Oil - avocado oil or any oil with a high smoke point - meaning that it will not burn at high temperatures.

  • So stay away from Coconut Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil for deep frying because these have a low smoke point and will burn.


1. Add Almond Flour and Baking Powder in a bowl

2. Add Garlic Powder 

3. Mix well

4. Add Cheddar Cheese and egg

5. Add Half and Half

6. Mix 

7. Add Stevia Drops 

8. Chop 4 Scallions and Add 

9. Mix Well 

10. Add a Pinch of Salt

11. Add to cooking pot 2 cups of oil over medium heat 

12. Once the Oil is at a temperature of 350 degrees, use a scooper and gently drop the formed hush puppies into the Oil. Do not overcrowd. 

13. Cook until golden 

For Dipping Sauce:  

2 tbsp. Mayo 

1/4 Cup Sour Cream 

1 tbsp. Chili Sauce (Like Sriracha)

1. Add mayo, sour cream, chili sauce 

2. Mix well. 

Last updated: Sep 02, 2024 18:45 PM