Natural Remedies

What specific nutrients are essential for mitigating plaque buildup in the arteries, and how do they contribute to cardiovascular health?

Understanding Plaque

  • Composition: Plaque consists of cholesterol, calcium, and protein. It forms within arteries in response to inflammation or injury.

  • Types:

    • Soft plaque: Unstable and prone to rupture, leading to serious complications.

    • Hard plaque: Calcified, more stable, and less immediately dangerous.

Testing for Plaque

  • CAC Test: The Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) test primarily detects hardened plaque, often underestimating the risk of soft plaque.

  • The CAC Paradox: After improving your diet, your CAC score may increase. This doesn't mean your condition worsens; it reflects the stabilization of soft plaque into hard plaque, which is less dangerous in the short term.

LDL and Plaque Risk

  • LDL Types:

    • Small, dense LDL: Highly damaging, linked to increased oxidation and plaque formation.

    • Large, buoyant LDL: Less harmful.

  • Testing: Measuring myeloperoxidase and Lp-PLA2 levels, or using ultrasound, can indicate the presence of soft plaque.

Improving Your Lipid Profile

  • HDL: Higher levels of "good" HDL help remove harmful LDL.

  • Triglycerides: High triglycerides often signal excess carbohydrates in the diet.

  • Lipoprotein Insulin Resistance (LP-IR): This test can be a strong marker for cardiovascular risk.

  • LDL/ApoB Ratio: Here’s how to determine whether you have small dense LDL or large buoyant LDL. Divide the LDL by ApoB—the part of the lipoprotein that indicates the number of particles. You want your result to be greater than 1.2. This indicates large buoyant LDL.

The following nutrients may help remove arterial plaque buildup naturally:

  1. Pycnogenol–150 mg

  2. Gotu Kola–450 mg

  3. Vitamin K2–Life Extension Mega K2

  4. Nattokinase

  5. Niacin

Vitamin K2 is the most potent inhibitor of vascular calcification. Tocotrienols, berberine, aged garlic, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D also help to clean out plaque naturally.

Last updated: Sep 20, 2024 23:00 PM