Natural Remedies

Optimal Timing for Specific Vitamins

Optimizing Supplement Timing

Morning Supplements

For energy and metabolism, take B-complex vitamins, especially B12, in the morning with breakfast. Research shows B vitamins can reduce fatigue and improve cognitive performance.

Evening Supplements

For relaxation and better sleep, consider magnesium before bedtime. Studies indicate magnesium can enhance sleep quality, particularly in those with sleep disturbances.

Supplement Intake Considerations

- With Food vs. Empty Stomach: Iron is best absorbed on an empty stomach, while calcium should be taken with food to increase absorption. A 2015 study showed a 22% increase in calcium absorption when taken with a meal.

- Health Conditions: Adjust supplement timing based on health conditions and medications. For instance, thyroid medication should be taken on an empty stomach, with a wait of 30 minutes before consuming other supplements or food. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 14:48 PM