Magnesium Glycinate

Should I increase magnesium intake?

If you go to the doctor, and you have a magnesium deficiency, it won't show up in a blood test. This is because 99% of that magnesium is inside of the cell, not outside of the cell in the blood. Just because the test is normal, doesn't mean you're not deficient. There is something called a subclinical deficiency where you might have some magnesium, but not the full amount. 

There are over 300 enzymes that are involved in many different biochemical reactions that require magnesium.  Out of all of the minerals, magnesium is the second most important to potassium. You need both of these in pretty large quantities. 90% of the magnesium is located in the muscles and bones. If you have low magnesium, you may have bone problems and problems with the muscles like muscle cramps, muscle weakness, or muscle stiffness. Another key function of magnesium is maintaining electrical charge in the cells. 

Another symptom of a subclinical magnesium deficiency is vascular calcification. Calcium and magnesium work together. It's not just about taking too much calcium. It could be a deficiency in magnesium or a deficiency in vitamin K2. 

The two main causes of a magnesium deficiency:

1. Consuming too many refined foods 

2. Not consuming enough foods high in magnesium 

If you don't feel quite right or you don't have enough energy, consider increasing your magnesium intake for one week and see what happens.

Last updated: Jul 08, 2024 19:43 PM