Different Foods Questions and Facts

The Verdict on Alkaline Water

The Verdict on Alkaline Water

With the increasing buzz surrounding alkaline water, it's essential to distinguish between fact and fiction. Not all types of this trendy drink offer the same benefits.

Natural vs. Artificial Alkaline Water

There's a big difference between naturally occurring alkaline water and its artificially created counterpart. The former comes from springs or wells and contains essential minerals our bodies need.

In contrast, artificially made alkaline water, produced by machines using electricity, lacks these vital nutrients.

Risks Tied to Over-Alkalization

Too much of anything can be harmful - even as essential as water. Consuming too much of an alkaline substance may lead to 'alkalosis,' a potentially serious condition with symptoms such as low potassium and calcium levels, muscle spasms, or abnormal sensations.

This is no laughing matter; it could result in low potassium and calcium levels, muscle spasms, or abnormal sensations. In severe cases? Even heart arrhythmias or seizures.

A Word About Antacids

Antacids work by neutralizing stomach acid, but overusing them has risks, too - like disrupting protein digestion and mineral absorption, leading to increased allergy risk.

Last updated: Apr 29, 2024 15:55 PM