Symptoms, conditions and causes

Underlying Cause for Autism

Understanding Autism and Oxidative Stress

The real root cause of autism is often overlooked. It's not just genetics or environment, but more specifically, oxidative stress impacting neurons. This neuronal toxicity leads to inflammation, which plays a significant role in autism.

Role of Oxidative Stress in Autism

When the production of free radicals outweighs our body's ability to neutralize them with antioxidants, oxidative stress occurs. In individuals with autism, this balance tends to tip towards more oxidative stress.

This excess can damage cells, proteins, and DNA. When it comes to brain cells, or neurons as we call them, this impact becomes particularly profound due to its direct link with neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.

Connection between Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism

Beyond the immediate toxic effects on neurons, excessive oxidative stress also causes mitochondrial dysfunction - an issue frequently seen in those with autism.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of our cells; they produce energy needed for cellular activities.

However, under high levels of oxidative stress, these tiny powerhouses falter, leading to impaired cell function, which may further contribute to autistic behaviors.

Research shows a clear connection here, indicating that tackling oxidative stresses could be vital in managing autism better.

Nutritional Deficiencies in Individuals with Autism

People with autism often grapple with nutritional deficiencies, impacting their overall health. Among these shortcomings are reduced levels of vital antioxidants, notably glutathione.

Last updated: Apr 22, 2024 15:08 PM