Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the primary causes of goiter?

Goiter and Thyroid Conditions Overview:

Goiter Definition: Abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck, often caused by hypothyroidism (90% of cases).


- Hypothyroidism: Sluggishness, hair loss, weight gain, depression.

- Hyperthyroidism: Bulging eyes, high pulse rate, high metabolism, excessive sweating, difficulty sleeping.


- For Hypothyroidism (Goiter):

- Ensure sufficient iodine intake with sea kelp, seafood, shellfish, eggs, and dairy.

- Support liver and gallbladder function with purified bile salts and saturated fats.

- Avoid iodine-depleting substances like bromide, fluoride, alcohol, and smoking.

- Consider selenium, wheatgrass juice, and vitamin A for Hashimoto’s disease.

- For Hyperthyroidism:

- Reduce iodine intake; avoid sea kelp and iodine supplements.

- Consume lithium-rich foods, yuca, soybeans, pine nuts, strawberries, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, bamboo shoots, and cruciferous vegetables.

- Limit vitamin A, fats, and bile/gallbladder support supplements.

These strategies help manage thyroid conditions by addressing specific nutritional needs and avoiding aggravating factors, supporting thyroid health and overall wellness.

Last updated: Nov 18, 2024 17:05 PM