Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the causes for low energy?

Having low energy can be caused by many things. The causes below have simple remedies that will reduce the fatigue. Normally you should have a good energy level without it crashing throughout the day.

Cause #1: Potassium deficiency

Potassium is a very important electrolyte (electrically charged mineral) for your body and its energy levels. You need 4,700 mg of potassium daily to support your body’s energy metabolism. If you are deficient in potassium, it can definitely cause low energy. You can mainly get potassium from raw vegetables.

Cause #2: High insulin

Insulin is a hormone that lowers the blood sugar after it spikes and also stores it as fat in your body. If you consume a lot of sugar and refined carbs this can result in insulin lowering your blood sugar below its normal level. This will cause irritation, tiredness, fatigue, and low energy until you eat sugar and carbs again. Additionally, over time it will become hard for your cells
to get enough potassium, because high amounts of insulin over a long time period reduce the ability of your cells to absorb potassium.

Cause #3: Insufficient sleep

Sleep allows your body to recharge and be ready for the next day, energy-wise. If you are not sleeping well or you sleep but don’t rest throughout the night, this can cause problems with low energy the next day.

Cause #4: Energy drinks

Energy drinks can be the cause of low energy, because they contain a lot of sugar as well
as caffeine (stimulant). Caffeine will give you a synthetic sense of energy and eventually (if
you consume it regularly and often) will wear out your adrenals (stress-regulating glands). Consuming energy drinks will give you a sense of energy for some time, but will result in a feeling of fatigue soon after. This tends to make you want to drink more energy drinks.

Cause #5: Not enough phytonutrients

Your body has certain components in the cells called mitochondria that can be considered as small energy factories. Your mitochondria are under constant assault from smoking, pollution and chemicals, along with high sugar, insulin and other factors. There are certain foods from plants that are called phytonutrients, as well as certain nutrients, that prevent the damage. The same phytonutrients also repair your mitochondria.

Last updated: Jul 05, 2024 14:42 PM