Natural Remedies

What are the most important benefits of eggs?

Eggs are the content of the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird, considered as food. Eggs and the nutrition in them are necessary in your diet, especially if you are choosing to change your health for the better and lose weight. Many people consider that they are the best source of protein.


  • Have the highest anabolic effect

  • Are very high in nutrients

  • Are loaded with healthy fats

  • Contain lutein and zeaxanthin, very powerful phytonutrients (healthy substances found in plants), and antioxidants to repair any potential damage that occurs in the artery walls of the eyes

  • Help prevent gallstones

Nutrients in egg yolks

  • Choline

  • Selenium

  • Biotin

  • Vitamins A, B12, D, E and K2

  • Phosphorus

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Calcium

  • Immunoglobulins

Nutrients in egg whites

  • Most of the egg protein

  • Avidin

  • Vitamins B2 & B3

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

Eggs and cholesterol

Are eggs bad for your cholesterol? If you’re afraid of eggs increasing your cholesterol, keep in mind that there’s no evidence to support the idea that eggs raise your bad cholesterol. They can raise your good cholesterol, which isn’t bad for your heart.

Also keep in mind that when you consume cholesterol, your body simply makes less of it (it works the opposite way too). In fact, only around 25% of your cholesterol comes from your diet— your body makes the other 75%. And you need cholesterol for your brain, cells, membranes and hormone production.

How to consume them

It is best to consume both egg yolk and egg white.

The best way to preserve the vital nutrients in your eggs is to cook them in ways that leave a runny yolk. The less you heat the yolk, the more nutrients it contains. Try not to overcook hard- boiled eggs. If you scramble your eggs, try not to cook them too much. The problem with raw eggs is that the uncooked egg whites can deplete other nutrients like biotin. So always cook the whites, but leave the yolks runny.

Where to get them

Always go with farm-raised and organic eggs. When you crack open an egg and see that it has a dark orange egg yolk, it’s a sign that it’s an egg from a pasture-raised chicken. Organic, pasture-raised chickens eat natural grass and insects. This means you won’t be consuming GMOs. There are no bad effects when you consume organic pasture-raised eggs, so don’t be afraid to use them on a regular basis.

Factory-farmed eggs are a pale yellow color. These chickens consume GMO grains, which
are not recommended. Sometimes pasture-raised organic eggs can have a yellow egg yolk, but they won’t be pale. Pasture-raised organic eggs have more carotenoids, which are plant-based antioxidants that have a wide range of benefits. If you are developing vision problems as you age, you are especially going to want to consume pasture-raised eggs. Carotenoids can help you avoid macular degeneration.

Keep in mind that when you see the term “cage-free” this doesn’t mean these are necessarily better eggs. The chickens could be kept in a large barn with no sunlight. And these eggs are often not non-GMO.

Last updated: Sep 09, 2024 17:55 PM