Different Foods Questions and Facts

What are the hidden sugars in my food?

Hidden Sugars in Your Food

Even foods marketed as healthy can conceal significant amounts of sugar. Here’s a look at some common culprits:


Often considered a health food, granola can contain up to six teaspoons of sugar per 100-gram serving. Opt for varieties with lower added sugars and monitor portion sizes.

Coconut Water

Despite its natural image, a typical bottle of coconut water can contain 20 grams of sugar, equivalent to five teaspoons. Enjoy it in moderation and consider plain water as a primary hydration source.


Flavored or fruit-added yogurts, like Activia, can contain up to 18 grams of sugar per four ounces. Choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit to manage sugar intake while enhancing nutrition.

Last updated: Aug 30, 2024 14:57 PM