Natural Remedies

What are the most important nutrients for strong immunity?

The most important nutrients for your immune system:

1. Vitamin A

• It is especially important to support healthy lungs

• It helps you make antibodies

• It increases T helper cells

The best sources of vitamin A:

• Grass-fed butter

• Egg yolks

• Liver

2. Vitamin E

• It helps protect against collateral damage

• It strengthens the T cells and phagocytes

The best sources of vitamin E:

• Grass-fed butter

• Leafy greens

• Nuts

• Egg yolks

3. Vitamin D

• It influences every part of the immune system

• It helps calm down an overactive immune system

• It helps shorten the duration of infection

The best sources of vitamin D:

• Grass-fed butter

• Cod liver oil

• The sun

• Supplements

4. Vitamin C

• It helps increase resistance to pathogens

• It helps protect against collateral damage

• It increases neutrophils

The best sources of vitamin C:

• Raw sauerkraut

• Leafy greens

• Grass-fed and grass-finished beef or liver

5. Zinc

• Without zinc, many things can’t work in the body

• It allows the thymus to make T cells

The best sources of zinc:

• Shellfish

• Eggs

• Red meat

6. Selenium

• It helps make glutathione

• It helps the immune system fight pathogens

• It helps protect against collateral damage

The best sources of selenium:

• Seafood

• Brazil nuts

7. Copper

• It helps protect against infections

• It helps protect against collateral damage

• It’s involved in immune system function

The best sources of copper:

• Shellfish

• Seafood

• Beef

• Meat

• Eggs

Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 16:15 PM