Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the reasons for poor sleep?

Sleep is very important for the body, for everything from memory to metabolism.

8 reasons for poor sleep:

1. Cramping Remedies:

• Calcium

• Magnesium

2. Hot flashes Remedies:

• Iodine (sea kelp)

• Vitamin E (tocotrienols)

• Calcium D-Glucarate

3. Sinus congestion Remedies:

• Avoid dairy

• Oregano

• Garlic

4. Excessive urination Remedies:

• Lower your insulin (healthy keto and intermittent fasting)

5. Restless leg syndrome Remedies:

• Vitamin B1 (nutritional yeast)

• Omega-3 fatty acids

• Don’t overtrain

6. Sleep apnea Remedies:

• Lower your insulin (healthy keto and intermittent fasting)

7. High cortisol Remedies:

• Decrease stimulants (caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.)

• Walk

• Do physical work

• Don’t have bright lights on right before you go to bed

• Reduce your exposure to EMFs

8. You just can’t fall asleep

Reasons why you can’t fall asleep:

• High pules rate (lack of potassium or your pH is too acidic)

• Too much caffeine

• Bloating

• Not consuming enough potassium (vegetables)

• Not relaxing (try my relaxation exercise)

• Consuming restaurant foods

Last updated: Jul 05, 2024 18:04 PM