Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the reasons for low testosterone?

Taking statins for high cholesterol can lower testosterone production due to reduced cholesterol levels in the body. Low-fat diets and liver damage can also contribute to testosterone deficiency, manifesting in symptoms like low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Surprisingly, high iron levels, often from supplements or fortified foods, can further disrupt testosterone balance. Accumulating excess iron, especially with conditions like hemochromatosis, can lead to joint inflammation, oxidative damage in arteries and the brain, fatigue, memory issues, and blood sugar problems.

To address high iron levels naturally:

- Consider IP-6 (phytic acid) on an empty stomach and EDTA to chelate iron.

- Incorporate green tea and intermittent fasting.

- Donate blood regularly to reduce iron stores.

- Avoid iron-rich foods and supplements.

- Increase zinc intake to support iron regulation.

Consult with a healthcare provider to test iron levels and discuss appropriate management strategies.

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024 18:48 PM