Adrenal Stress Advanced Formula

What are the root causes of depression?

There is no evidence that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain involving serotonin. It has been found that SSRIs can temporarily help increase serotonin in the brain. However, drug trials have shown that these anti-depressants were almost indistinguishable from the placebo in treating depression. SSRIs come with a lot of side effects, including some serious ones involving the sex organs. Does depression cause body problems, or do body problems cause depression? While it may be a mixture, we’re going to focus on the body problems and deficiencies that could cause depression.

Potential causes of depression include:

1. Insomnia

2. Chronic fatigue

3. Stress

4. Nutritional deficiencies (vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B1, magnesium, DHA)

5. Lack of exercise

*We recommend consulting with your doctor before making any dietary or medication changes, especially if you have any existing health conditions.

Last updated: Jun 24, 2024 21:25 PM