Symptoms, conditions and causes
What are the common symptoms associated with gallbladder sludge?
Gallbladder sludge is a collection of bile in the gallbladder that is unable to be released. This is because the bile stays in the gallbladder for too long. Gallbladder sludge can eventually cause stone formation in the bile ducts that go into your intestines.
Stomach pain
Right shoulder pain
Pain in the right scapula
Pain under right rib cage
Pain in the mid back more on the right side
Headache more on the right side
Jaw pain more on the right side
Cause #1: Low-fat diet
Bile is released from your body when you consume saturated fats. If you consume low amounts of fats in your diet, your gallbladder can become congested with too much bile that is not being released. Consuming higher amounts of fats in addition to keeping the refined carbs and sugar low should resolve the bile sludge.
Last updated: Nov 19, 2024 17:29 PM