Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the symptoms of skin rash?

When you have poor blood clotting or nutrient deficiencies you may have red, pink or purple spots on your skin that can also itch. What is important to know is that for healthy functioning of the skin we need several vitamins. Let’s look at the known remedies for this condition.

Cause #1: Bile deficiency

Bile is a very important liquid that is produced in your liver and stored in your gallbladder. The main function of bile is digestion of fats as well as certain vitamins. Additionally, If you consume too much fat and are unable to digest it, this can cause skin rash. In such a case purified bile salts can help you digest fats.

Cause #2: Vitamin B2 deficiency

Vitamin B2 is very important for healthy levels of the skin as well as for proper digestion of fats. The more fat you eat, the more B2 you need. Lack of B2 in the body can cause skin rash.

Cause #3: Allergies

Allergy means intolerance to certain types of foods or environmental elements, like pollen. Your body overreacts to the thing causing allergy (allergen), creating a lot of symptoms like inflammation, irritation, etc. The best way to see if you have an allergy is to look back and see what you ate or were exposed to just before getting a rash. Chances are that there was an unusual type of food or an environmental substance you were exposed to.


Additionally, while on keto and intermittent fasting, your body may go through a detoxification cycle. This is because you are burning and breaking down your body fat, which releases toxins that were stored in the fatty tissue. Therefore, fat-burning can cause this reaction.

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Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 20:58 PM