Natural Remedies
What are the types of nutritional collagen and its benefits?
Collagen is a type of protein and its connective tissue. The word comes from a Greek word which means “glue”, because collagen holds everything together as a mesh. There are over 28 different types of collagen.
You should know about the following 5 types of collagen and what they do.
Type 1:
forms scar tissue
forms tendons
forms ligaments
forms the bones
forms skin
forms certain parts of the teeth
helps with arthritis
Type 2:
forms/supports joint cartilages and the surfaces that connect at that joint
if you have a joint that has worn out you need this type of collagen
Type 3:
forms/supports connective tissue
more delicate (found in bone marrow, lymph)
Type 4:
forms the respiratory tract
forms bronchial tubes
forms lungs
supports intestines
forms the tissue around the heart
Type 5:
forms the hair
forms the cell surfaces
Last updated: Feb 18, 2025 01:00 AM