Symptoms, conditions and causes

What health issues do low cortisol levels cause?

Cortisol has a lot of benefits for overall health. However, cortisol levels that are too high or low can be a problem. One of the causes of low cortisol is cortisol resistance. This means you had high levels of cortisol (stress) for a long time, and the receptors for cortisol started to downgrade. Now, you can’t absorb cortisol anymore. Your cells can’t get the benefits of cortisol despite having high levels of cortisol. You essentially have both high cortisol and low cortisol, as well as the bad side effects that accompany both of these issues.

Potential side effects of low cortisol include:

• Inflammation

• Arthritis

• Low immunity

• Allergies

• Asthma

• Low stress tolerance

• Low vitamin D

• Poor memory

Last updated: Aug 29, 2024 18:20 PM