Keto Diet Facts & Tips

What can help me to stop snacking or grazing?

With snacking, you may have a certain time that you have a snack. With grazing, there’s no limit on how much you eat, what you eat, or when you eat. You eat constantly. I believe some of the worst advice a person can give is to snack to prevent overeating.

When people start snacking and grazing, they can get into a cycle of raising their blood sugar and insulin, then dropping their blood sugar. Eating causes hunger about one and a half hours later, especially when consuming carbohydrates. Then, the process repeats. If someone is stuck in this snacking cycle, eventually, they could develop high insulin, which could then lead to insulin resistance.

Eating and depression: You might feel better temporarily, but then the high insulin could cause depression to worsen.

Eating when tired: The more you eat to try to get more energy, the more tired you’ll be.

Eating when bored or stressed: The more you eat when bored or stressed, the more you release cortisol, which could cause you to be more stressed.

Eating carbs for pleasure: You could spike dopamine, putting yourself at risk for developing dopamine resistance.

Eating for no reason: Some people eat because the food is there, and then they get stuck in the snacking trap.

Many people don’t realize that when they do fasting correctly, they can put the body in a condition where there is no hunger or cravings. This is because your body is essentially eating your own fat all day long. Fat generates ketones, which is a clean fuel. You’ll feel good, you could have improved cognitive function, and you could have an enhanced mood.

What to do:

1. Do not eat breakfast (most important)

2. Understand that eating causes hunger

3. Do not make junk foods available

4. Stay very active

5. Avoid carbs when you eat

Last updated: May 27, 2024 20:19 PM