Natural Remedies
What can help to relieve seasonal allergies?
Pollen is produced by flowers and is spread through the wind and by bees. If you have a pollen allergy, your body is rejecting pollen.
During this rejection process, your body goes through a series of immune reactions involving histamines. Histamines cause excess mucus production and fatigue. A good potential strategy is to gradually expose the body to pollen, starting with small amounts and increasing the amounts over time. This will cause the body to reject it less and less.
The best remedy for seasonal allergies to use as a part of this strategy is bee pollen. Local bee pollen contains a combination of many different types of pollen in your area.
Bee pollen is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, has wound-healing effects, and is rich in:
• Friendly microbes
• Amino acids
• Antioxidants
• Essential fatty acids
• Hormones
• Vitamins
• Minerals
You would want to start out with two to three grains of bee pollen per day and gradually increase the amount each day over at least one week. Eventually, you may want to try taking two to five teaspoons per day for an adult and one to two teaspoons per day for a child. You can chew the grains, grind them, or soak them in water and drink them.
It may be best to start this protocol in the winter before the spring. You could do this protocol two to three times per year. Other great natural remedies for allergies are quercetin, onions, or stinging nettle. It’s also important to support your liver if you’re experiencing allergies.
Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 21:04 PM