Advanced Digestive Enzymes

What are effective remedies for an inflamed colon?

9 Tips for Healing an Inflamed Colon:

1. Avoid gluten and grains: They can damage the colon lining.

2. Avoid dairy: Casein allergies may cause inflammation.

3. Limit vegetables: Fiber can overwhelm an altered microbiome, causing bloating. Consider a carnivore diet if you can digest protein. Avoid vegetable oils.

4. Avoid alcohol and smoking: These can increase inflammation and nutrient depletion.

5. Consume chlorophyll: Wheatgrass juice powder is a good source and can heal the colon lining.

6. Intestine supplements: These may help if you have autoantibodies.

7. Take purified bile salts: They support colon junctions, gut microbe balance, and digestive flow.

8. Practice fasting: Intermittent and prolonged fasting can stimulate stem cell regeneration in the colon.

9. Take probiotics: Can help repopulate gut microbes.

*We recommend consulting with your doctor before making any dietary changes or before you start taking any new supplements, especially if you have any existing health conditions.

Last updated: Oct 08, 2024 15:00 PM