Liver Cleanse, Detox Repair Support
What causes non-alcoholic fatty liver?
25% of the world population (adults only) has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 40% of the US population (adults only) actually has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It’s very common, but in most cases, there are no symptoms.
There are two types of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: 1. Fat only 2. Fat and inflammation
Insulin converts glucose to triglycerides. I believe high levels of insulin are what’s causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Carbohydrates (especially fructose and omega 6 fatty acids) are what’s behind high insulin.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic fatty liver disease have different causes but the same effects. This could mean that fructose, omega-6 fatty acids, and other refined carbohydrates have a very similar effect as alcohol on the liver.
Last updated: Mar 07, 2024 00:54 AM