Symptoms, conditions and causes

What do I need to do to increase dopamine?

Dopamine has many functions. It’s involved in body movement, sleep cycles, gastrointestinal motility, food intake, learning, kidney function, and blood pressure. Dopamine is associated with behaviors and certain emotions. However, people on the lower end of the emotional scale aren't going to just have low dopamine but also other neurotransmitters and hormones. Dopamine is increased with pleasure, but it’s also increased with stress and pain.

Conditions related to low dopamine include:

• Parkinson’s

• Schizophrenia


• Depression

Medications used to treat the above conditions can deplete other neurotransmitters and have potential side effects.

Dopamine isn’t a single molecule that works on its own to create an effect. It’s a system that creates many different effects. Trying to increase dopamine without looking at the bigger picture isn’t going to work.

Here are some action steps you can take if you have low dopamine:

1. Get rid of artificial stimulus

2. Balance dopamine and other neurotransmitters

3. Consume a little more animal protein and fat

4. Support your gut microbiome

5. Get plenty of vitamin C (leafy greens or sauerkraut)

6. Get plenty of copper (shellfish or seafood)

Last updated: Aug 27, 2024 17:48 PM