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What does the color of your urine say about your health?

Understanding Urine Color and Health:

Urine color reflects various health aspects:

- Clear: Potential overhydration, diluting sodium. Optimal hydration needs balanced electrolytes.

- Normal (amber, yellow, straw): Indicates good hydration and health.

- Red/pink: Blood presence, from kidney stones, infections, or menstrual contamination. Seek medical advice if persistent.

- Orange/fluorescent yellow: Often from synthetic vitamins or medication dyes, rarely from liver/gallbladder issues.

- Blue: Medications or artificial colors, sometimes from asparagus turning urine green.

- Dark brown: Dehydration, or potentially liver issues if very dark.

- Foamy: High protein intake or kidney concerns, especially in diabetics or chronic kidney disease. Adjust protein intake.

- Cloudy: Signals infection, usually UTIs from bacteria like E. coli, exacerbated by excess dietary sugar.

Understanding urine color helps assess hydration, nutrient balance, and potential health issues, guiding appropriate actions and medical consultation as needed.

Last updated: Jun 28, 2024 15:55 PM