Symptoms, conditions and causes

What causes postmenopausal osteoporosis, and how do hormonal changes, particularly the decline in estrogen, contribute to bone density loss?

A lot of women who go through menopause end up having bone loss. What causes this condition, and what can you do about it? There are two types of cells in the bone:

• Osteoclasts – breaks down bone 

• Osteoblasts – builds bone 

A decrease in estrogen after menopause causes stimulation in osteoclasts and a decrease in osteoblasts.  Cortisol is a very destructive hormone to your bones. An increase in cortisol will stimulate osteoclasts and inhibit osteoblasts.

The female hormones, estrogen, and progesterone are produced by the ovary and the adrenals. When you go through menopause, and the adrenals are not strong enough to back up these hormones, you will end up with even less estrogen and more cortisol. 

What you can do to support your bone health after menopause:

1. Support your adrenals (decrease stress, exercise, and increase vitamin D)

2. Build bone (calcium citrate, magnesium, boron, trace minerals, vitamins D3 and K2) 

3. Dairy (grass-fed)

Last updated: Oct 14, 2024 20:36 PM