Symptoms, conditions and causes

What is the most common deficiency in skin diseases?

Dermatitis, simply put, is inflammation of the skin. There are numerous types, but fundamentally, most skin issues stem from either allergies or immune responses. Think of many dermatitis cases as an overzealous immune system.

Typical treatments like topical or oral steroids aim to suppress this immune response, while antibiotics are often used for infections, although these can sometimes lead to secondary infections.

The skin's surface, teeming with microbes, acts as a shield for underlying immune-rich tissues. When dermatitis flares up, vitamin D seems to be a helpful ally. It can soothe contact dermatitis by calming the histamine response, and as a key immune system regulator, vitamin D's benefits extend to a variety of skin issues.

We often see skin conditions worsen in winter due to less sunlight exposure and vitamin D production. Stress also plays a role, as elevated cortisol levels deplete vitamin D.

Specifically, vitamin D can improve acne by regulating oil production, and vitamin D creams can alleviate dandruff. Eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, and alopecia have all been linked to vitamin D deficiency. Interestingly, some microbes involved in skin problems can actually hinder vitamin D receptors, aiding their own survival.

Last updated: May 20, 2024 15:37 PM